About Us

Neighborhood Grime Watch was formed for many reasons. Our company Washmart.com has slowed down since the recession began in May 2022 (people will argue this, but the recession began May of 2022). We frequently have noticed not just pressure washing companies, but companies in all industries are struggling financially. With this struggle we have seen a large increase in negative behavior online and in person. Depression appears to be at an all time high. Even the Washmart staff has had a series of hard days and weeks through this recession. Marco and Amber began walking to decompress and feel less stress and made a healthy habit of walking. This was a habit developed since both of them also quit drinking alcohol this same year and needed a new way to decompress. During our walks we began noticing graffiti in the most unusual places. We are based in the Bay Area of Houston where we have been blessed to live and work in this beautiful Texas destination. Marco and Amber wanted to make a difference and instead of complaining about what is wrong with the government, the community, our kids, our food, the media and the list goes on… We decided to just clean the graffiti for free and make our community look better. It is the same principle as when you find trash on the ground, pick it up and throw it away. We have Neighborhood Grime Watch strikes again! No graffiti was found during my cruise today. So instead I donated my time for something else! The service was provided for Interfaith Caring Ministries. It is a non profit org who assists individuals who are struggling to pay their bills. You will never regret giving. Keep giving when you're ahead of others. a unique ability to clean graffiti inexpensively (because of the business we are in). We have rediscovered our desire to serve our community and give back. The feeling of giving back has nearly become an addiction and we want to spread the word of giving to others. Our intention is to have pressure washer companies throughout the USA join us in this adventure and clean our local communities. Keep in mind we are running a business and there is a line to be drawn. We are not removing graffiti from large businesses that have it in their budget to get it done quickly. We are removing graffiti from our parks, street signs, bridges (along with other public easements), the homes of our retired veterans and non profit organizations. These are places that become forgotten and we want that to end so our children can go to a public place without being exposed to gang graffiti and endless profanity. These are places people want to walk their dogs and admire the community they help build.